We view safety in three dimensions and colour, rather than two dimensions and black. We see safety first. In this whole movement towards SMS and this whole movement towards making people responsible and accountable, its first and foremost objective is safety. If at the same time we can be more efficient and if at the same time we can do a better job of managing the resources the taxpayers give us, well, then, all the better, but our first objective is safety.
The reason that our first objective is safety is because we're in a competitive market. We're in a very, very competitive market in the helicopter industry, and if our aircraft are not safe, they're not reliable. Safety and reliability are inextricably linked, and if an aircraft is unsafe, it's because it's poorly maintained. If it's unsafe, it's because the people who are operating it are poorly trained. If it's poorly maintained and the people are poorly trained, it will be unreliable and our customers will go somewhere else.