To my knowledge, and I am part of the International Federation of Helicopter Associations and many other organizations, there is no other constituency that is as far advanced in SMS as is Canada. We are leading the way.
I know that the Australian association is constantly in contact with us and constantly questioning us as to where we're at, how we're proceeding. I do also know that in the United States airline industry, the FAA initiated a non-punitive reporting system for pilots. In the first 30 days, if memory serves me, they had 300 reports, 300 incidents that had been hidden in the system before we allowed the people to speak freely. Those 300 reports allowed the FAA to identify various systemic problems at certain airports and to correct them overnight.
So this is the idea: SMS is like taking the system we have, which is very good--especially in Canada, we have a very good record--but which has been stagnant for 15 years, as we haven't been improving safety for the last 15 years, and putting a hybrid engine into the system. It will be more effective. We will get a little bit better cruising speed out of it, but we'll also get a lot of efficiencies out of it, for both government and industry.