All right. I just needed to know that.
It is quite striking, the different messages we're receiving from the inspectors--your association, Mr. Holbrook--and from the pilots, from Mr. Boucher's association. I've always thought that there are three sides to every story: yours, mine, and the facts. But I must admit here that there may be more sides than we realize.
Anyhow, you said, and I'm quoting you here, and I think it's very important that we have this cleared up, that last week a senior Transport Canada official called your office and stated--and then you quoted that official--“that it will be a problem” if any TC--I presume that's Transport Canada--inspectors appear before this committee to testify about safety concerns.
Who, sir, called you? I remind you that everything you say here, of course, is part of the public record, as it should be.