Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Before I start, there's something I want to put on the record, if you don't mind.
There was a story in The Canadian Press last Thursday about a Transport Canada official trying to restrict committee witnesses. In it, Mr. Julian and Monsieur Laframboise are quoted, and that's fine. I was also interviewed for that story, yet what I said does not appear. I don't know if it was the reporter or an editor; however, whatever that may be, I thought it should be on the record. It wasn't very newsworthy, I recognize that, but what I said was that the allegations that were made vis-à-vis a senior Transport Canada official were just that. This committee had indicated that it would ask that individual to appear again, and until that appearance before committee and the chance for that individual to give his side of the story, I thought best that we should hold off on our judgment. That is what I said to the reporter. That was not reported.
I thought it was important enough to be put on the record, Mr. Chairman. Thank you for your indulgence.
Before I go to questions, there are two requests. There are many requests outstanding, Mr. Chairman.
First, I'd ask for a note on what are the current legal and regulatory underpinnings of the SMS. I think that information might be timely if we could get it soon, before the break, for sure.
Secondly, Transport Canada was to offer us the bill as it is, the law as it is, plus the bill, and how they overlap. We still haven't seen that. Now, when the witness committed to giving us that, it wasn't that they had to prepare it; it was a document they already had. So I'm just wondering what's taking so long to get it, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. Barone, you made a series of suggestions and expressed serious concerns on amendments to the bill before us. In the preparatory work that has gone on for a decade, I gather, for this version or previous ones that may or may not be the same—I haven't verified that—I presume you've been consulted by Transport Canada officials, or you've had a chance to discuss with them your concerns. Is my presumption correct?