Thank you.
The study was initiated in 1998-99. It was a feasibility study. The terminology “self-regulation” was used for a period of time, but as a result of that feasibility study, and then a second-phase study, it was quite clear that it was not the terminology we should be using, nor was it the process toward which we were working. We were certainly working toward an administrative and management responsibility, but it certainly wasn't self-regulation. Some two or three years after that feasibility study was initiated, we in fact changed the terminology and have not used “self-regulation” for at least five or six years.
The safety management system is the foundation of the concept by which we help manage our community. It's a system that emerged as a result of the work we were doing through the feasibility study. It was something that James Reason and others have academically put together. I would suggest that our work is probably one of the forerunners of actually implementing a safety management system. There's a lot of academic material out there, but we have some first-hand experience with that.
As with any other management process, it continues to be a work in progress. To this point, we would be complimentary of the system but recognizing that it is cultural change and recognizing that there's a fairly substantial amount of training that is required. In fact, one of our new initiatives is to conduct training such that our community is better trained, more knowledgeable about SMS, and therefore more capable of actually using it to its full extent.