This motion has just been distributed; there's no clearer contravention of the code of procedure we've put in place. This motion has just been distributed. We have just seen it. We now have to consult with our caucuses and consult with our whips. This motion has just been distributed. Given that we adopted, as a committee, the procedure that notices of motion require 48 hours, like every other committee has, and given that this procedure has been enforced by every other committee that I am aware of....
This is a notice of motion. It is not a motion that's to be brought forward, it is a notice of motion. It will be debated and discussed at our next meeting.
Mr. Chair, there can't be a clearer contravention than this of the rules of procedure that we put into place. I don't understand why you're trying to push this when very clearly we adopted rules of procedure and very clearly we have just received a motion. In 48 hours, on Thursday, we will debate it and discuss it.