Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Thank you, Mr. Tassé, for coming today and clarifying some of this information. Obviously this issue is new to me, because I'm from the west coast. I have much more knowledge of west coast ports than of the Toronto Port Authority.
However, as you know, there's been some criticism of your report. The mayor of Toronto, of course, criticized the report and said that it was not worth the paper it's written on.
Of course, Ms. Chow is with us today, and she called the report a whitewash. And when I hear the word “whitewash”, it implies that you entered into your obligations to do this report with a preconceived bias. The word “whitewash” is a pretty pejorative term, so the accusation is that you entered into this with some type of a bias. So my questions are going to be focused on that.
When you were retained to do this report, were you ever instructed by a government official as to what government expected the report to say?