Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Thanks for coming forward today.
I have a couple of comments to start.
First, Mr. Minister, I think you've confirmed in a very real sense that there has been a diminishing number of safety inspectors. If we have more and more airlines and more and more air miles being travelled, essentially by holding the line at the same number of inspectors there is diminished ability to follow up with the inspections.There's no doubt about that. My concern is that the figures you've cited include positions, but they don't actually include bodies who are filling those positions on a full-time basis.
Second, you said very specifically in your comments that this isn't about reducing inspections. My concern is that every single witness who supported SMS in theory was also very clear that inspections, audits, need to be carried out.
When Mr. Preuss appeared before this committee, I requested that the risk assessment around SMS, which was done prior to putting SMS in place, be released to this committee. We know through requests for information that this risk assessment has now been released. It says very clearly that there is potential to reduce safety and that we need a focused inspection program to ensure there is not an increased safety risk. Mr. Preuss signed off on that risk assessment. It did not allow that mitigating factor to be brought in, did not allow that extra protection for Canadians.
I want to ask, Mr. Minister, do you support not having that focused inspection program that your department's own risk assessment indicates is extremely important to not reduce safety?