We contacted DaxAir Inc. several years ago. We received information from the company concerning allegations of misconduct on the part of other small air carriers. We inquired with the regional office in Toronto, which covers the Ontario region, and very vigorous monitoring was done following DaxAir Inc.'s requests. Recently, in fact, when we received a letter from DaxAir Inc.—it was the first contact between us since the previous time—we wrote to the co-owner, Ms. Brazier. We expressed our interest in the information, or evidence that she or her company may have concerning the other carriers, so as to pursue law enforcement action.
I think that if you were to speak to DaxAir Inc. representatives they would say that we have been in frequent contact with them. Moreover, I would like to say that this company is not subject to the SMS, the Safety Management System, for the time being. This type of company will not be subject to the SMS for a few years because we first want to progressively establish the system for large carriers and move to smaller ones thereafter.