All the provisions to do that are there. And it's not only during the first years, but forever. If in ten years we found out that a company has not applied the SMS properly, we would take action. We could still go back there and do regular inspections, as we did ten years ago, or we could do a full audit of the company, because all of the regulations stay there.
The SMS regulation is truly an umbrella that goes above. If the company is very serious about implementing SMS and has truly implemented it, we need fewer old-fashioned inspections, because they will take the steps themselves.
It's like the certification. Any company that gets self-certification will tell you that the certification process will bring about significant improvements in the management. But if a company does not play the game, we can go and suspend a company based on the SMS or we can go back with the regular inspection or audits--both. And those are specified today for the SMS implementation that we recently started.