Do you mean what I meant by low risk? I'll give you an example of what I meant, and there are probably a few of them out there.
Right now, if you and I decide we are going to get into the ultralight business, we would find a relatively benign regulatory environment. In other words, we haven't taken the initiative to put in a firm, elaborate regulatory system, because frankly, it is a low-risk area. However, the growth in that area would indicate to us that if there's anything we can do to put the ultralight operators on a more professional basis, we should do that. One way to do that is to encourage an organization out there to take it upon itself to develop some standards they can work with, to develop some procedures, to perhaps even create a regulatory framework wherein they can control some of the activity. Because right now it's not regulated.
You would find the same, perhaps, in the unmanned vehicles area. You could find it in the air applicators in this country, the ones that are in there doing it.