They're different. To take the standards of FRA versus the standards of Transport Canada, in some cases--and I've worked on both sides of the border--I would agree, Transport Canada's regulations may be superior. Likewise, if I go to the FRA and I look at some pieces of the FRA, they're superior standards.
I can give you one specific issue: train brakes. We talk a lot about train brakes, the braking effort of the train. In Canada, the regulations allow a train to leave the initial terminal with 95% working brakes. So that means 5% of that train can have defective brakes and still not impact the ability of that train, under the law, to be able to leave and safely operate across the Canadian region and generate these train accident numbers, which are incrementally better than the U.S.
However, the FRA requires 100% effective brakes. So at CN we've applied the most stringent of the standards. In many processes, it's not the lesser of the standard; we take the greater of the standard because we have to operate our trains cross-border.