Along the lines of what I presented in our letter, many people are afraid to come forward and speak about these kinds of things. I can't say for all of Canada that absolutely everybody agrees with us. I think the industry, even those that are a problem in our industry, would agree there's a problem, which is a bit of an odd state to be in, unfortunately.
I think the most important thing on people's minds is safety. I think the information that was previously being shared under the CADORS system before it got all locked up, and now is meted out to us daily in a batch, is absolutely useless for consolidating and analyzing information. It's sad. I think Mr. Rubin was talking about privacy issues, but this safety information needs to be shared. I think people are willing to learn from the mistakes of others. I think they're willing to learn from these accidents. The information isn't being made available to us, which is unfortunate. I think a lot of operators would like to operate legally; they would like to operate safely.
The same issues that we are faced with are the problems. Everybody around us is cutting rates, cutting corners. It's very difficult for somebody to put their standards on the line and suffer the cost. It's very difficult to invest all your money in a dream and have it sacrificed by those around you, and you're not willing to compromise your standards, so you have no choice left.