Thank you very much.
I will stay on this topic, Mrs. Brazier, since the government will tend to create its famous designated organizations. However, in the Bill, a designated organization is one that is authorized to certify people operating in the air industry and, in conformity with the standards, it would have the power to modify, change, renew, suspend or cancel a certificate. So, the government would want to impose those organizations to the industry.
Could you tell me if there are in your industry any organizations that would be able to act as designated organizations? If not, do you believe that Transport Canada should instead increase its oversight and create the kind of ombudsman that you are requesting since, at the end of the day, what you want is to have someone independent who would be able to make decisions? Let us increase the supervision and the number of inspectors, let create an ombudsman but let us not create any designated organizations. This is what I would tend to recommend because, otherwise, you would have someone imposed to your industry. So, do you believe that in your industry there would be someone competent enough to act as a designated organization?