I will let my officials talk to you about the day-to-day of the project, but the government committed to that. It's a partnership between the community and the provincial government. We invested an amount. Roughly, the first tranche was in the vicinity of $8 million. That was done some months ago, and we announced the other tranche so that we can get ahead on that.
Incidentally, that reminds me that pretty well all these programs that we're running in terms of CSIF and MRIF...I was looking at the statistics, because I asked my officials where we were going in terms of the environment. Actually, on the projects from coast to coast to coast that are MRIF projects—COMRIF in Ontario, and in Alberta it's different—60% of the amounts of money that are dedicated to these projects are to projects that are environmentally friendly. In terms of the CSIF projects, it's waste water management projects and of that similar sort, so 35% of the amounts that are dedicated to the Canadian strategic infrastructure fund are projects that are environmentally friendly.
Yes, we are turning the page, and yes, we are getting things done.