I accept the proposal that has been made. It's not a motion, but rather a proposal from Mr. Volpe and Mr. Bélanger, and I'm going to support it. What we're telling you and what we're telling the government is that over time things might end up changing in relation to this matter.
If I were you, I'd agree. I'm trying to understand why you don't want this file to move forward. With this dilatory motion, we could be discussing this until the end of the meeting, based on the standing orders. We could end up discussing it tonight, and keep discussing it until tomorrow morning.
I've already told you that I don't intend to filibuster, but if you want to play that game, we'll be here all night and all day tomorrow. I have nothing else I have to do. Right from the word go, I've been trying to understand you. Some things needs to be debated, so why don't you want to take the time to do this? If you push too hard, you're going to walk away with nothing.