Thank you.
From the testimony I've heard in the past, we're talking about--and we've used the term “SMS” repeatedly--safety management systems. I think the broader definition here of “management systems” widens it and I think the proposed amendment of cutting it off after the words “human resources” pulls back the clarification of what is intended.
When you get into a situation quite often...and I realize we're writing the broader strokes, if you want to call it that, and there are regulations that underlie this. But certainly my experience with law has been that when the judges are there, they're looking for direction as to what the lawmakers intended and for the most clarity you can provide without having it become burdensome.
I think the definition of the term “management systems” should be “safety management systems”, so we're clear, and I think we should leave the last portion of that sentence in, which includes a reference to reducing risks to the lowest possible level.