Mr. Chair, I want to assure Mr. Bélanger that I think the reverse is true. If we now settle upon this clause, and let's say it's a disputed clause and there are issues arising out of it that should actually wait until we've discussed the rest of the bill, then I think we're doing a disservice and we're actually putting the cart before the horse.
We've actually gone through the whole bill, as I'm sure you have as well. We've reviewed it very carefully and we feel this particular clause likely should wait for the outcome of the rest of the clauses. We're not proposing that any other clause be delayed or postponed. This is the only one. What we're trying to avoid is unintended consequences. That's the only purpose here. I was hoping there'd be some goodwill at this table, because Mr. Bélanger, I know, has raised that as an issue, and even Mr. Julian. Well, let's cooperate with each other to move forward with the bill, which hopefully will improve aviation safety in Canada.