Be that as it may, Mr. Chair, my concern with this is that, first of all, this has the chance of delaying what the minister's actions will be on this file. And we do have a fairly short timeframe. I believe the motion has a drop-dead date of December 31 of this year.
So if I could finish, my concern is that we have thousands of Canadian jobs hanging in the balance--and I think that's been acknowledged by a number of the members of the opposition here--and I think we share the same concern that those jobs not be lost.
In a spirit of non-partisanship, we agreed on a form of motion, thanks to Mr. BĂ©langer, Mr. Volpe, and Mr. Bell. You crafted something together with your colleagues here that was acceptable to us.
We don't want this process to become bogged down. The minister has clearly indicated that he's going to do a review of Canada Post, and we want to make sure that whatever portion of that review actually addresses the issue of the remailers and their employees is done on an expedited basis. I don't want to go through the same process as we went through last time around, when we were really up against it and we had to act quickly because otherwise there would have been serious consequences to that industry.
Those are my comments, Mr. Chair.