As I mentioned, the act needs a few more tools to make it more enforceable. The only tools we have are the power to issue notices and orders, or to take court action, whereas under other laws, such as the Aeronautics Act, we have a whole range of tools, including monetary sanctions and the power to directly impose fines. Those fines are significant, but since you are reviewing the Aeronautics Act, we would propose increasing those even more. It's a way of bringing about discipline, if you will, especially when dealing with extremely profitable companies.
We do not have those tools today. We use the tools which are at our disposal. We have often issued notices and orders. For example, we can impose speed limits on rail sections, significant reductions or operational changes, as we did in western Canada with regard to the length of trains, or specific operational measures. But we do not have the range of tools you are talking about.
So what can we do? You are saying that the SMS is not working. As I already explained to you, the SMS marks an important change in culture which we cannot measure after just a few years.