However, circumstances may arise in which certain individuals or groups may feel that you are not ensuring, or going far enough regarding, safety. That is why safety management systems are installed. You think you're the very best, nonetheless several witnesses told us that at times you may be wrong. That is why I think I will join those who are asking that this include a commitment on your part to meet the highest safety standards, be they international or Canadian. What we're saying is that the minister must commit to meeting the highest safety standards.
If you wish to assist us, let us try to include this in this part of section 4 so that the minister commits to meeting the highest safety standards. Be they international or Canadian, I want to ensure that at all times you will be meeting the highest safety standards.
If you want us to break this impasse, then you, the government's legal experts, must tell us where to include it. I don't mind where you include it, but I don't want it to go unmentioned. Several witnesses told us that you may make mistakes. I want to ensure that you will not make mistakes and that each time you take a position, you will meet the highest safety standards. I will support this. I tried to say that these would be international standards. They can be Canadian standards but the important point is that they be the highest standards. Let's put this somewhere in this section where it suits you and where it suits us.