I repeat, Mr. Chairman, that this is not directed at remailers, or anybody; this flows from the information the minister shared with us, that he is considering a review of Canada Post, writ large. If he is, then as a member of this committee, I would like to have an occasion to make suggestions on how that review might be conducted, before it starts. I mean, what's the point of having the mandate and terms of reference set and then we comment? I think that's a little awkward.
So it's not a friendly amendment.
Again, this is a motion. I presented a very similar motion on the review of the CBC mandate at the heritage committee, and it was approved unanimously at committee and in the House. There's nothing nefarious here; it's a matter of parliamentarians wanting to provide to the government, before it embarks on a review of an important corporation, their own suggestions and perhaps recommendations on what to include, what not to include, and how to proceed. It does not detract from the government's ability to do something separately on remailers or this committee's decision to address that issue before the end of December.
I don't see where the hang-up is here.