I did listen carefully, Mr. Laframboise, and I don't know if we can identify the particular issue you have as far as time of implementation, of coming into force, is concerned.
I looked at amendment BQ-13, your particular amendment there, and I was wondering if there would be any common ground to implement the parts, because I think there's some actual value in what you're suggesting in amendment BQ-13, and I think it could be worked in after “The Minister of Transport may designate, from among organizations that operate in low-risk, non-commercial sectors of the aviation industry”. I don't know if that kills the proposed section or not as far as the department goes, but certainly I notice that your amendments don't deal with the implementation of the act or the coming into force of this particular proposed section, but instead, deal with some other issues. I don't see any conflict in it going in there, quite frankly, and being part of the government amendment.