Mr. Chairman, I have to say that amendment G-2 is an improvement to what we have.
This is one of the areas of the bill that I focused on, the matter of the designated organizations. I have expressed a great deal of concern with a number of factors. One of these has been addressed: the high risk, low risk concern. However, there were other concerns I had expressed, and others also, concerning the great extent of the delegation of authority here.
I understand that delegation of authority at some point is required for any organization to be able to function. But to delegate entire authority, including the authority to create regulations and create standards, and all from within—basically, you've taken the entire responsibility and put it somewhere else. I had and I still have a great deal of difficulty with that.
The reason I'm speaking up now is that I might want to support amendment G-2 if the rest doesn't follow. But if the rest follows, of course, then amendment G-2 is not required. Having said what you said—that if this passes, all the other amendments are withdrawn—I'm forced to vote against it in order to at least consider the other amendment, which is to delete the references to this proposed section entirely.
If we didn't delete it, then this would be an improvement over what's there. But I'm saying I'm not satisfied that it goes as far as I'd like to see it go, and you're putting me in a bit of a quandary. Just so you know, that explains why I won't be able to support it.