Transport Canada is made aware of the alleged violation. You take the flow chart, the enterprise manager, because we have one person responsible from cradle to grave of a company. From the establishment of the company to the death of the company, if you want, there's one individual in charge and accountable. What the person will do is receive information, detection sources, conduct a preliminary event review. He would ask “Was there a contravention of the act, yes or no”? If no, there's no problem. If yes, the enterprise manager may request enforcement within 30 days to secure perishable evidence--there may be ATC tapes or things like that--so they secure the evidence.
“Was the contravention committed by person or enterprise governed by SMS?” If it's no, existing enforcement procedure... If it's yes, “Was the contravention internally reported”? They verify. The principal inspector verifies. If it was internally reported, that's fine, we continue. If not, we go immediately to the old enforcement process. We want the company to report.