I want this to be clear. When we study a bill clause-by-clause, we have the right to speak for as long as we wish. Unless I'm mistaken, and please correct me if I'm wrong, Mr. Chairman, I believe I have the right to speak for as long as I want and to say what I want. I am not trying to draw out the debate nor am I engaging in obstruction. I want to understand what these people are telling me.
However, I do have a problem when people think I'm an idiot, Mr. Chairman. I don't have a problem with the explanations I am being given. Mr. Chairman, I want us to understand each other, you and I.
When we study a bill clause-by-clause, can I have the floor until I understand? Do I have the right to do so? If the answer is no, that's fine, but in my opinion, I have the right to ask any and all questions I want.