Mr. Chairman, I'm not changing my opinion on the difficulties this may give rise to. However, I thought we were going to entertain, at some point, from the government--perhaps if not today it could be at the report stage--a mandated review of this bill a few years hence. In my case, it would be a very welcome amendment for five, six, or seven years down the road. That has a great deal of appeal in the sense that it is mandated by law, and therefore it must happen at some point.
This just confirms that the House has the authority to do what it wants in terms of setting up committees, whether they're standing or not, and committees have some authority to initiate reviews or not. The difficulty, and I'm repeating myself, is in the way it's worded: the House may review any regulations made “either on its own initiative or on receiving a written complaint”. I know that it may, on receiving a written complaint, and I'm pretty sure that no committee would necessarily get going, but this could draw the committee into areas of debate, discussion, and investigation that it doesn't really want to be drawn into. It might invite a pile of letters from anyone who has a beef with Transport Canada or if there is a safety matter. The way it's worded, I expect it could create a situation that the committee, the House of Commons, and the Parliament of Canada don't want to have happen.
What I'd love to see, however, and I repeat, is a mandated review of the act five years from now, as is now being written into many acts, but we don't see this in this act.