Mr. Chair, these amendments in this section--amendments NDP-12.2.1, NDP-12.3, NDP-12.4, NDP-12.5, and NDP-12.6--are designed to toughen penalties in this section of Bill C-6.
What we have here is the option currently that a company can essentially receive a notice of violation without penalty. In other words, you can commit the crime and not do any of the time. It's a bit contradictory with the Conservatives' justice policy, certainly, but what we're endeavouring to do with these amendments is allow for strict penalties around violations to ensure that there is compliance with the law. All the amendments are in that vein.
If members of the committee want, I can move each of them separately or I can move them as a block for discussion; I'll leave that up to you. This is one case, I think, Mr. Chair, in which the amendments do jibe together in such a way that there could be a group discussion.