Thank you.
On the issue of rail safety, it's something, obviously, that the department takes very seriously. Last year we launched a very detailed and thorough audit, particularly of CN's practices last fall. They came through and gave us an action plan. We also put in measures to restrict their operations, in B.C., in particular.
Then late last year we launched a review and an audit of their safety management systems in CN and made several findings that we've given to CN. Their responsibility now is to come back to us with an action plan. They have given us a first draft that we've reviewed with them and suggested a number of areas where we want significant improvements made. We're awaiting a revised version of that.
One of the things we've noticed, at least for the beginning of this year, particularly with CN, is that main track train derailments are about 25% lower. Now, that's a short period to look at, so it doesn't mean we're totally satisfied with that. But we're working very hard with CN to look at their plans as to how they're going to rectify that. As we go forward, we'll review their action plan that's due, look at their revisions, and keep monitoring their performance very, very closely and inspecting how they're doing.
So we're playing that out at this point.