I would just like to comment. First of all, I think the idea has merit. I really believe it does and I think that anybody in the room would say the same thing. I think it needs a lot more work, to be blunt, and maybe, Mr. Masse, we could work on something to put in a different set of regulations that would probably be more appropriate.
The key here is, if we can just take ourselves back from our perspective, we're going to have seven or eight or whatever number of people who are prepared to sit on a board for no fee, regulate the Ambassador Bridge, for instance, which has a $1 billion investment. I think there are a lot of issues that need to be dealt with on this. It's got to be exercised, and I think if the minister wants to do so, even as a test project, then we should leave that open to him. Maybe that's something that we as a committee could forward to him as a recommendation, to look at a test project in one particular case.
But there's a lot of work here and I'd hate to see us come across with something like this, and then a $1 billion investment, for instance, for the folks who own the Ambassador Bridge...and being able to regulate that. There's a lot of other local politics involved, and people make decisions based on politics rather than on common sense, and our government, the Parliament of Canada, I think, will make those decisions for everyone, in the best interests of Canadians.