I was just going to say very quickly—and really, I think this is good, Mr. Chairman, because it identifies some of the other amendments that have been proposed by the NDP—that I really wish I had had an opportunity to speak to them about the amendments earlier too, so I could have satisfied some of their concerns.
We can look at a copy of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, under which, of course, all bridges and any international tunnels require an assessment to be done. I have copies, if anybody wants one.
If we turn to, for instance, paragraph 4(1)(d):
The purposes of this Act are (d) to ensure that there be opportunities for timely and meaningful public participation throughout the environmental assessment process.
All the yellow tabs deal with municipalities, or public process, or provinces, and so on. So I'll just give a couple of examples.
Subsection 18(3):
Where the responsible authority is of the opinion that public participation in the screening of a project is appropriate in the circumstances--or where required by regulation
they will do so.