Yes, it's coming from the gateways, which is not the border infrastructure fund. Let's look, for instance, at the Detroit-Windsor crossing, which is something you're very familiar with. If we look at the corridor structure, what we're doing, basically, with the Government of Ontario, the Government of Quebec, and the federal government is that we've come together, we've signed an agreement, and we've said let's look at those areas where there is the strongest congestion. How should we alleviate within the next 10, 15, 30, and 40 years those areas that are fundamental obstacles to our commerce? That's the whole initiative we want to put forward. Then we will determine, with the provincial governments as partners, where the best value for money is. So if it's determined that in this case we need to put in a short sea shipping arrangement to alleviate trucking on whatever highway, we'll look at it. That's a hypothetical.
That's what I'm saying about being merit-based. It is agreed upon by the levels of government that are involved as partners in this.