Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Once again, this amendment is to build better relationships with the ports and municipalities. It's intended to ensure that when there are land use changes, especially given that ports can now enter into 99-year leases for their property for anything beyond condominium development.... This is going to change the land use practices of the ports as well as adjacent private sector owners of lands next to the ports, as well as municipal land, potentially.
The goal is a cooperative approach, so when land use planning comes into effect there will be support and, hopefully, compromise and the addressing of issues, be they environmental or planning, for the uses of the land. It could be a whole host of things, as we've seen. This legislation is opening up a wide chasm of different types of usage that are new to these areas.
The intent of this amendment is to make sure there are going to be cooperative developments with the port authority and also with the municipalities and the provinces.