Thank you very much. That will allow me to answer many questions and to lay the groundwork for your questions.
Good morning. Thank you for allowing us to return to the committee today and continue the discussion on possible amendments to the Navigable Waters Protection Act.
During our last discussion you requested additional information, which I believe has been distributed to members.
Has it been? We sent you a letter yesterday or two days ago. Does everybody have everything?
I would first like to touch on some of the information items that we have provided. The first item is the study on navigation protection in foreign jurisdictions. It is not an in-depth study, but rather a high-level overview of how works are constructed in navigable waters in other countries. It revealed that the Navigable Waters Protection Act is in fact not that different from similar legislation in other countries.
You have all received copies of the minor works brochures that were recently developed. The intent of these brochures is to reduce the regulatory burden on proponents by excluding from the act those minor works that are known to have no, or very little, impact on navigation. As the brochures were only implemented last year, in 2007, we have no quantitative data yet on their effectiveness. But it is estimated that they may ultimately result in a 25% reduction in the number of applications received.
We have provided a breakdown of the application numbers that were the cause of considerable discussion at our last appearance.
Finally, the most important item is a short list of items for consultation and for consideration in the act. This is the name I gave them. I can't call them “low-hanging fruit”, because there's no such thing as low-hanging fruit for this act. These items, however, would provide some limited relief to proponents and to the department.
In your letter of February 15, you asked the minister what could reasonably be done to serve the needs of stakeholders, specifically with respect to the current definitions in the act. The revised proposal focuses on two key definitions in the act, namely the definition of “navigable waters” and the definition of “work”. The intent of amending these definitions is to focus the application of the act upon those waters and those works where federal oversight provides the greatest value to Canadians.
In addition to the two definitions l've just mentioned, there are another five items we would like the committee to consider. Combined, these seven items represent what we believe to be the absolute minimum changes required to the act to benefit stakeholders.
l will now discuss each of them very briefly.
First, amending the definition of navigable waters to exclude minor waters and replacing it with the term "waters in Canada" as we had originally proposed does not solve any of the issues related to the term "navigable waters". Nonetheless, the amendment would benefit those wishing to construct works in minor waters and provide some workload relief to Transport Canada staff.
Second, amending the definition of work to explicitly exclude minor works will benefit or could benefit those wishing to construct minor works in navigable waters. Here again, we could anticipate some workload relief to applicants and to Transport Canada staff.
Subsection 5(2) of the act contains four named works. They are “bridge, boom, dam...[and] causeway”. These four works were originally named, back in 1882, specifically in the act, as they completely blocked the waterway and thus were traditionally considered significant interferences to navigation. Today in 2008, this is not true any more.
The result of naming those four works specifically in the act removed departmental discretion in the review process applied to them. This review process is prescribed in the act and is considered unnecessary in many cases—a large number of cases, indeed.
There would be significant benefit for stakeholders in removing those four named works from the act, as the review process could then be tailored to impact the work on navigation. This proposal could result in a moderate reduction in the number of environmental assessments conducted by the department.
Next, current fines in the act range from $500 to $5,000 maximum. They no longer act as a real deterrent to non-compliance and they require updating.
Here is another suggestion. In May 2007, the international Maritime Organization adopted the Nairobi International Convention on the Removal of Wrecks, 2007. Given the large number of questions that members of the committee had about wrecks when we last appeared, we thought that it was important to bring this for the committee's consideration.
it is proposed that only the operational elements of the wreck removal convention be inserted into the act. It is also proposed that the mandatory insurance provisions of the convention be placed into the Marine Liabilities Act.
The removal provisions in the convention apply to vessels of any size, and, for that reason, they complement the limited removal provisions of the current act.
The convention provides additional tools for Transport Canada to undertake removal of derelict vessels in all regions of the country as Canada chose to opt into the territorial waters provision of the convention.
Next, the act currently does not contain explicit inspection powers. Inspection powers are required to ensure compliance with all provisions. Good examples of inspection powers can be found in other similar legislation--for example, in part 10 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, or the enforcement section of the International Bridges and Tunnels Act.
Finally, it is desirable for stakeholders and the department to have a five-year review clause in the amended act. It would provide for an opportunity to correct any deficiencies identified through implementation, especially in light of the fact that we may not have new protection legislation for some time to come.
On a last point, on the copy of our guidance document that we gave you, the explanation on the chart on page 3 has been amended. The description of the light blue bar has been amended to reflect requests received per calendar year. On the version you received, it mentioned the number of applications. It did not in fact deal with the number of applications, but with the total workload. We realized that this included all the requests or enquiries that had been made but that were not applications as such. The new table clarifies this point, as do the additional tables that we have provided you with today.
Thank you for putting so much attention toward the Navigable Waters Protection Act. We truly hope this committee will make recommendations to improve this legislation.
Thank you.