Mr. Chair, according to what I understood from the subcommittee's discussions, we asked Mr. Masse not to withdraw his motion and to present it again when we were in a better position to discuss it. But there is one urgent matter: the discussion on navigable waters. Are we going to decide to deal with the question in Ottawa and summon witnesses? We could discuss it after having asked the department some questions.
I am hoping that my colleagues agree with me that the navigable waters file is so important that we will be able to deal with is as quickly as possible. If amendments can be made quickly, let us make them. As you said, this is about the low-hanging fruit. Then we can go on our tour of Canada.
Mr. Masse's file is important, but if we tour Canada, we will be able to use the occasion to deal with matters other than the one that Mr. Masse has tabled. I do not want him to change the agenda today. Let us deal with the navigable waters, and then we can deal with his motion. That is what I want him to do. If he wants to present his motion right away, I will vote against it and that will be that. It will depend on what the government decides. If it wants to work with us, let us deal with the navigable waters matter and then we can make a decision about our tour of Canada.