It really boils down to the various triggers in place to trigger an environmental assessment. The more triggers we have, the greater the chance we're going to bog down the process.
You told me just now, Ms. Flood, that even if the NWPA wasn't around, anyone doing work in a waterway that involved fish habitat would still trigger an environment assessment. So you're not going to get around that.
By making these amendments, we're expediting and streamlining the process of getting infrastructure money out into the communities, getting things built over the next seven years, and just moving forward, not building bureaucratic empires. We're trying to cut through some of the red tape that's already there. You've just clarified that.
There are numerous triggers along the way. One we haven't mentioned yet, if we're dealing with the pipeline, is that we'll need to deal with the NEB as well, which would trigger its own reviews.