I was pleased to hear that we're talking about streamlining the process, because I think that's one of the causes of some of the observations that have been passed on to the committee and to the department.
With all due deference to Transport Canada officials, some of whom are here, I thought I heard, two weeks ago, Transport Canada prefer a much more comprehensive approach.
You're kind of tentative there, Ms. Flood, but Mr. Smith seems to be telling me more or less the same thing, that the agenda that your two organizations have might be a bit more consistent with the impression I had of Transport Canada's position, which is, let's move in a comprehensive fashion so that we make sure we dot all the i's and cross all the t's. That might not necessarily be confluent with Infrastructure Canada's decision to roll out moneys for projects in a much more timely fashion.
Am I misrepresenting what you're saying, Ms. Flood?