Perhaps I can respond to that by prefacing my remarks a little bit.
From our perspective, from an environmental assessment perspective, there are two aspects of the process that we see as being important. One is that the quality of the assessments are there, that an appropriate quality of assessment is done, and to ensure that projects that could have adverse environment effects are assessed. From the other perspective, we look for an efficient and effective environmental assessment process.
I guess what we see with respect to this proposed approach is the opportunity to address that in some way. Concerns we've seen with respect to how the NWPA acts as a trigger for environmental assessment have to do with, in part, defining which waterways are navigable. There are a great number of waterways in Canada, as we all know. Many of them—very small ones, in fact—have been seen as navigable at times.
The other aspect is that it's difficult to know, starting out, before you do an assessment, whether or not there might be interference with navigation as a result of a particular project.
So to the extent that this initiative, these legislative amendments, can address those concerns, I think we'd be quite satisfied.