First of all, Mr. Laframboise, I must go back to what you initially said, namely that there are thousands of kilometres of track. I would say that there are tens of thousands of kilometres of track. There are hundreds of railway yards across the country. That is another reason for having railway companies embrace and implement the SMS concept.
Railway companies have tens of thousands of employees. Mr. Masse expressed his satisfaction at seeing unions and employees involved in this initiative. As I see it, it would be impossible to enhance safety in any significant way without having all of these individuals get involved in the process. How can we do that? By implementing safety management systems.
We will never have enough resources in terms of inspectors. According to your figures, we should have one inspector per railway yard, one inspector per train, and one inspector for 200 or 1,000 kilometres of track. That will never happen. So then, it is really important to implement safety management systems.
Very few people in my group, Safety and Security, either here in Ottawa or in the regions, are experts in soil contamination. Luc's employees, whether here or in the regions, are primarily experts in railway safety. The Transportation of Dangerous Goods Directorate is responsible for contamination problems. This group steps in when train derailments or spills of hazardous materials occur. However, Transport Canada has not focussed a great deal of energy in the past on railway yards.
You mentioned the Advisory Council. However, I would like to talk about something else I mentioned at the start of my presentation. We have established a Railway Safety Act Review Panel which is co-chaired by Transport Canada and the RAC. Under the auspices of this Panel, a series of working groups will be struck, including one to be called Proximity, Operations, Environment and Technology. The recommendations that you alluded to will be examined by this working group which will then advise the minister as to the best way to implement them. I cannot tell you right here and now what we will be doing. We don't have all of the details yet.
Would you like to add something to that, Luc?