I wasn't implying that we needed to have one inspector for each railway yard. However, we read that there should be some interrelation and training. Environment Canada believes that you should be monitoring these operations, whereas you maintain that this area is the responsibility of Environment Canada or the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Directorate. The bottom line is that people lack sufficient knowledge to determine if sites are contaminated.
Let me say again that these railway yards are located in the heart of our cities. It is fine with me if you want to strike some committees, but contamination on this scale shouldn't be happening in this environmental age. Maybe 10, 15 or 20 years ago, incidents like this were more commonplace, but by November 2007, the problem should have been resolved. We need competent people to investigate these incidents.
You stated that your committee will be making some recommendations. That's all well and good, except that certain things can no longer be allowed to happen.