Thank you, Mr. Ranger.
I think it's important to put on the record that some of the biggest critics have not accepted that argument. Judge Moshansky, who appeared before this committee, appears not to have been convinced. The pilots association is also not convinced so far.
The experiences you've had with the business community... And you're quite right, they ought to have a personal interest, as opposed to merely a business interest, in the safety of their equipment. I'm looking forward to an answer on that. But I want to shift gears for a moment, if I might.
Minister, one of your colleagues in cabinet has pointed to one of the issues that you've raised here, and that is the efficiency of our transportation system as it relates to bridges, especially the ones in the Detroit-Windsor corridor. Security was pointed out as being the biggest problem to free-flowing trade between us.
I know that you made an announcement just a couple of weeks ago regarding building additional capacity. That bridge that crosses the river right now is operating at only 50% capacity. Are you working with your colleague in cabinet, particularly the CBSA minister, to ensure that there is actual free flow of commerce between Windsor and Detroit? If so, what is it that you're doing that they're not catching at the border?
It's nice to hear the words, but we want to know specifically what it is that's happening to make this happen. That bridge is not going to be built next week.