Yes, and you also asked about the air travel issue.
The deputy says that a lot of parts of that deal with foreign affairs. So if there's a specific question, Mr. Bell, particularly on the Blue Sky policy, I'd be more than happy to answer it, maybe in the next round.
On the recreation and community centres, of course those are components of the Building Canada plan that weren't necessarily categorized. If we lead in from the previous one, there are elements that we've increased. We alluded to this before, and I believe Mr. Shipley spoke about the fact that the transfer of gas tax is now permanent, as determined by the Parliament of Canada and accepted by the government, which we've gone forward with. I think it gives a lot more leverage to a lot of our communities across the country, because, as Mr. Shipley was mentioning, communities and municipalities can now go out and borrow based on the fact that of lot of them now have more stable long-term financial sustainability.
But we haven't closed any doors, so I'm not excluding anything as we move forward.