There is no causal link there. First of all, the House of Commons supported a motion that we brought forward with a view to maintaining and, in some cases, restoring rural postal service. Officials at Canada Post are currently reviewing all places of posting. They are proceeding with the verifications demanded by the House of Commons. That process is working very well. Thus far, I am told that they have assessed almost 100,000 sites or mailboxes and that the necessary corrections have been made, in some cases because of urban spread. Corrective measures have also been taken with respect to community mailboxes. In other cases, we suggested to the owners that they ensure there is safe access for the people delivering the mail and, in some circumstances, that mailboxes be moved.
So, that whole operation is proceeding smoothly. There are some problems. Of course, people are used to their way of doing things but, on the other hand, there is a need to be cognizant of the safety requirements of the people delivering the mail. There is also the whole question of the health of these individuals. So, I believe we are taking appropriate, enlightened action in this regard.