The other one is the Saint John Harbour Bridge, another favourite subject of ours in New Brunswick. I notice that in the estimates there are other federal bridges, and I was wondering what distinguishes the Saint John Harbour Bridge from other federal bridges.
This isn't necessarily directed at a party. As you know, sir, this is a long-standing issue for the people of New Brunswick and the federal government.
I was wondering whether you would consider, once again, forgiving the debt on the Harbour Bridge, considering that the bridge originally was built for $18 million and the debt on the bridge is now, I think, $23 million. I know that the tolls on the bridge have gone up.
There is another thing I was wondering, sir. You may be aware of the fact that southern New Brunswick is going through a major energy boom. We're expecting to have anywhere from 10,000 to 20,000 to 30,000 new people moving to southern New Brunswick. I know that your government has been instrumental in working together, as past governments have, with the provincial government on a new border crossing between Calais and St. Stephen. I want to compliment the government for following through with that, but I am concerned, specifically, about rail service. I was wondering if you could indicate to us whether the government has any plans to consider passenger rail service or to assist with a private sector company being involved in passenger rail service.
My last question involves the small airport policy question. Sir, I'm sure you appreciate the fact that small airports are very important for us in Atlantic Canada. I was wondering whether you might take a minute or two to review small airport policy for us. And can you tell us how you might, as a government, reinvest in smaller communities that need funds for capital infrastructure?
Thank you.