We will very much participate in the rail service review the minister has said he wants to launch after the bill has been dealt with. From our point of view, we see it as an opportunity to do a number of things. First, it's an opportunity, obviously, to talk about service issues, if there are any out there, and what they are and what their nature is.
We hope it's also going to be an opportunity to sort the wheat from the chaff. One of my personal frustrations, frankly, when we get into rail service issues is it's all anecdotal. There is very little factual information out there. It's this story or that story, or somebody told me this or somebody told me that, and it's on both sides, the rail side and the shippers' side.
One of the things we would very much welcome would be a little more good analytical work on the general picture out there. We believe our services have been improving over time; others would disagree with us, but that's what we believe, and we would like the opportunity to show people what we're doing and why we're doing it. So we welcome it in that context.