I would like to cite a specific case. In my riding, I've been trying for a number of months, if not years, to obtain information on the Highway 25 bridge. I find the information I have obtained to date confused. I asked Mr. Grégoire, the Assistant Deputy Minister, Safety and Security, of the Department of Transport, some questions. He told me there were conditions for the installation of permanent structures in the habitat of the lake sturgeon, which would have to be moved to the Assumption River basin.
I spoke to the minister, since we don't really know who to turn to. On April 25, I received a letter from Fisheries and Oceans stating that the sturgeon spawning ground had ultimately been moved to the Ouareau River basin, which is located approximately 50 kilometers away. From the standpoint of the immediate environment, that intrigues me because we're talking about the Rivière des Prairies.
That letter stated that the environmental assessment had been completed on February 28 under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act. It's very reassuring to read that kind of thing. The end of the letter states that work on a pillar on the north bank has been authorized and that a second authorization will be issued for other work later. So that seems to indicate that the present authorization is incomplete. Perhaps that's because of the sturgeon spawning ground.
I can't find out where this project stands. As an MP, I would at least like to provide electors with assurances that the Canadian government has played its role properly and that everything has been complied with, but it is hard to do that for the moment, since there are two departments, one agency—