Thank you, Patrice.
In Vancouver Fraser, our borrowing limit is $510 million. Currently, we have two-thirds of that committed, but we have up until now managed to pay for it with our own investments, etc. This year, for the first year, we've made an arrangement for $175 million worth of borrowing. We have $350 million worth of commitments, on $500 million.
But we also have a $1.3 billion terminal coming down. In fact, tomorrow we'll get the proposals back from the four short-listed proponents. So we're going to be up somewhere around $1.7 billion requirement potentially. I obviously don't know what the deal with the new proponent is going to be, because tomorrow is the day, but potentially, we could be looking at about $1.7 billion worth of investment required to move the Asia Pacific Gateway forward.
Clearly, a new regime would be very much in our interest.