I want to mention two things before I comment on your persuasion.
Quebec awarded the contract to these five consultants on February 16, 2009; I just want to point that out. It's a $3-million contract. I'm of course not saying that we can't grasp issues that cost $3 million. I'm saying we don't have the resources necessary to do the on-the-ground study that they're going to do.
I like Mr. Laframboise's idea. I think it's a good idea. Actually, it was my colleague Jeff Watson who convinced me--thank you,Jeff--that this was a great idea. I just wanted to mention that.
So I do like that idea. What I would ask, though, before we schedule this, is whether, if at all possible—and I'm fine to tentatively schedule it in wherever the members would like—I could find out from the department when to expect to receive a copy of the report, or when the report is planned to be done, just so we have that information. I don't know how long it's going to take. I'm sure it will take longer than a few minutes to spend $3 million, but if I could find this out, it might give us an opportunity—