We actually have two short opening statements, so we'll make up for it.
I'll speak briefly on Environment Canada's mandates on marine Arctic protection.
Robert Allin is from the enforcement branch. He'll speak of the enforcement program that we have there, because I understand that was of interest in some of the discussions you've had recently.
I'm going to speak to Environment Canada's mandate for protecting oceans from pollution, to give you a context to our work.
Like a number of departments, we have a mandate for environmental protection and conservation in the Arctic marine environment. We use several legislative instruments to realize this mandate. I'll quickly go through each of those legislative mandates.
One of the main ones is under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, which gives us disposal at sea provisions. These provide that no person shall dispose of substances from a vessel or other structure at sea without a permit. Environment Canada manages a permitting program, a monitoring program, and an enforcement program. These programs are designed to prevent marine pollution. These provisions are consistent with our international obligations under dumping conventions and under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. They apply in all Canadian marine waters out to the 200-mile zone limit of the exclusive economic zone. Generally this program is used to prevent dredged material from being deposited in unauthorized sites or prevent dangerous materials from being deposited in the ocean from dredging.
Environment Canada also administers the Migratory Birds Convention Act. Under this act, no person or vessel shall deposit a substance that is harmful to migratory birds, or permit such a substance to be deposited, in a water or area frequented by migratory birds. This act also extends to the 200-mile limit of the exclusive economic zone.
Third, other parts of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act and the Fisheries Act give us quite a broad range of authorities to prevent different forms of pollutive activities, including pollution into water. These would tend to be used to control land-based sources of pollution. We have regulations under these authorities that control liquid discharge from mining operations or pulp and paper operations. They tend to be closer to coasts than would be necessary for the 200-mile limit provisions. We also administer the pollution prevention parts of the Fisheries Act, which is a general prohibition against depositing deleterious substances into water frequented by fish.
The last piece of legislation that is pertinent here, the Species at Risk Act, provides that no person shall kill, harm, harass, capture, or take an individual of a wildlife species that is listed as extirpated, endangered, or threatened. This applies in Arctic waters as well as on the land, but only to a 12-mile limit.
The last mandate area I wanted to talk to, keeping in mind that Robert will talk about our enforcement program, is emergency response and cleanup.
Environment Canada is a primary resource to the Canadian Coast Guard. We have the capacity and mandate to provide scientific and technical information and advice for environmentally sensitive areas, information on weather and sea state, and emergency response and cleanup in the marine environment.
You can see that Environment Canada has a number of important roles to play in protecting the Arctic marine environment, but they're by no means comprehensive. The Arctic Waters Pollution Prevention Act plays a key role as well.
That leads to the last point I wanted to make in my opening remarks. Because of the complementary roles Environment Canada’s legislation and the AWPPA play, we were consulted as the legislative amendments were being developed. We were briefed at the officials level, and we expressed no concerns or reservations about what was proposed there. It's consistent with where Environment Canada has gone on pollution prevention legislation that's used to control marine pollution.
Those are my statements.
Before we go further, perhaps Robert Allin could give a short statement on enforcement programs.