Thank you, Chairman.
Thank you, gentlemen and lady, for coming and sharing some of your views with us.
I realize this will probably come out in the questions and answers. Some of the members of this committee were concerned about the overall implications on policy in various departments as a result of some of the witnesses who came forward.
I'm going to limit myself to one very brief question. It emanates from what the Minister of Transport said in this committee on March 24:
For Canada to truly exercise effective management in the Arctic, we need to put in place a strong and proactive regulatory framework for marine transportation and we need to back that up with real action. We're very much being proactive in this regard, not waiting for next year, or 10 years, or 25 years from now for an accident to happen and for us to regret not taking more proactive measures.
Can any of you tell me--perhaps I might start with you, Captain--what measures you have to enforce Arctic sovereignty and for the environment today, and what measures you'll have in place if this bill becomes law? To paraphrase myself, aside from being consulted, were there extra funds expended for you to better equip yourself for the task at hand?